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Forest School


🌧 Mud 🌧

It was a very wet session this week, so that meant only one thing...MUD!

Children enjoyed making mud pies, cakes and even dug out a mud bath. 

Although it was rainy the children enjoyed drawing the beautiful daffodils that are in the Forest School area. 


🐛 Minibeasts🪲🐞

In class the children made special soup to attract snails. In forest school we checked the soup, but unfortunately the weather must still be a little too cold for snails. The children found some interesting snail shells to explore though!

Other Forest School activities included:

  • Searching for minibeasts, the children found slugs, worms and woodlice.
  • Making hide-outs and 'traps'
  • Completing self care tasks independently (pouring drinks and sharing out snack)
  • Pulling themselves up on to the ropes and balancing across.

And as always continuing to build their resilience, confidence, teamwork skills and self-esteem.