Virtual Assemblies
Easter Service Click here for the Virtual Easter Service
Virtual Assembly 5th March We re coming back!
Virtual Assembly 26th February Almost there
Virtual Assembly 12th February Half Term is here!
Virtual Assembly 5th February Guest Singer
Virtual Assembly 29th January Keep doing what you are doing!
Virtual Assembly 22nd January Reasons to be thankful
Virtual Assembly 15th January Lots to celebrate
Virtual Assembly 8th January Happy New Year!
Key Stage 2 Carol Service Years 3,4, 5 & 6 Perform
Year 2 Virtual Nativity Nativity 2
EYFS and Year 1 Virtual Nativity Nativity 1
Virtual Remembrance Service Click on the link for the children's Virtual Remembrance Service
VIrtual Harvest Festival Buxworth's Harvest Festival
The Reverend's Harvest Address and Blessing The Reverend John
VIrtual Assembly 17th July Have a great Summer!
Virtual Assembly 10th July Penultimate Assembly of the year
Virtual Assembly 3rd July Guest Singers!
Virtual Assembly 26th June Guest Singer 4
Virtual Assembly 19th June All about Friendship
Virtual Assembly 12th June Guest Singer 3!
Virtual Assembly 5th June Reasons to be Cheerful!
Virtual Assembly 22nd May Guest Singer 2!
Virtual Assembly 15th May Guest Singer!
Virtual Assembly 7th May Happy VE Day
Virtual Assembly 1st May Happy Star Wars Day
Virtual Assembly 24th April Virtual Assembly 24th April
Virtual Assembly 3rd April Virtual Assembly 3rd April
Assembly 27th March Buxworth's first ever virtual assembly