Spring Term 2 2025
Welcome to Spring Term 2. Our Topic this term is Marvellous Minibeasts. We will be learning about the wonderful world of minibeasts and their habitats and how they contribute to the wonderful bio diversity in our world. In English we will be learning to write sentences using our developing phonics skills. We will be reading and using lots of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, What the Ladybird Heard and The Snail and The Whale.
We will use our daily phonics lessons to help us to read and write. Correct letter formation will continue to be a key focus.
In Maths, the children will be deepening their understanding of numbers to 10 and extending that to numbers to 20. We will be focusing on number composition, counting, ordering, addition and subtraction. We will also look at doubles and odd and even numbers. We will be using Maths in real life problems and situations to consolidate and apply our understanding. For example ‘How many minibeasts are here? How many are there if we add the ladybirds and snails together?’
In our topic we will be learning about ladybirds, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, snails, slugs, millipedes, centipedes, bees and wasps. We will also be learning about trees and plants; planting seeds and learning what they need to live and grow.
Other Business
Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon this term. Please send lots of warm clothes as the weather is still unpredictable and the children get cold easily. They always need their wellies.
PLEASE TRY AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK. PHONICS SOUND CARDS WILL BE SENT HOME. We will also begin to send Key words on Reading Diaries for you to practise reading with your child. Remember to check out Tapestry www.eylj.org to see what your child has been doing and the class webpage on the school website.