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Autumn Term 2023

Autumn Term 2023


Off With Your Head !

Redwoods- Welcome back to the new term. I hope that you all had a lovely Summer break and are refreshed for life in the new class for the new school year.

This term, in Redwoods Class, we will be studying the topic of Tudors- Off With Your Head! We have worked hard to tie in our curriculum subjects to this fascinating topic. We have attached a topic plan for your information so that you can see what we intend to cover over the course of the term.

The children are all very excited and enthusiastic about our new topic, so please help to keep the enthusiasm going at home as well as at school. Perhaps you could assist your child with research on the internet or collecting a couple of books from the library, or let your child watch some of the BBC series on Netflix or Disney.  

I have added some web links with information about SATs to our class webpage for your information and will be giving out more information later in the year.

The children will receive new spellings lists each week. These will be sent home on Monday in preparation for their test on a Friday. Your child should be reading at home each night, recording this in their homework diary and practising times tables every evening as well.

A formal piece of English and/ or maths revision homework will be sent home each weekend- we would really appreciate your support with this.  We will also be asking the children to recap the learning from school each day by completing “extension” and “intervention” tasks at home. 

The Homework diaries will continue to be used for important information each week. We would appreciate you checking and signing their homework diary on Thursday nights and returning to school on Fridays.

Forest school will be held on Thursday afternoons along with indoor P.E; Outdoor sports will be continuing on Fridays. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for these activities each day and wear proper school uniform the other days of the week.

Please ensure that your child has a fully labelled water bottle in school every day, along with a sun hat or cap on warm sunny days for break times and outdoor sports sessions.

We look forward to the term ahead

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Kime

Please click on the links below to see how our topic fits into the curriculum