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Home Learning

Home Learning Zoom Meeting details:


meeting ID:- 831 6262 8660

Passcode:- mrk1rL

If we are unable to attend school due to snow or any other school closure, then we will have a class Zoom meeting at 9.15am - the details of which are above.

During the Zoom meeting, I will explain what activities I expect you to do during the day.

If you are unable to attend the Zoom, please complete some of the following learning: 

  • Read to yourself for at least 20 minutes.
  • Practise the day's spellings
  • Have a go at 20 minutes Times Tables Rock stars- your passwords are in your homework diaries
  • Complete one of the comprehension activities from the list below
  • Complete one of the SPAG activities from the list below
  • Complete one of the maths activities from the list below
  • Complete one of the foundation subject /topic activities from the list below
  • Revise for SATs or complete practise papers from the SATs information sub page tab

Thursday 8th February 2024- SNOW DAY