We have had a brilliant week in The Little Conkers Class this week. We have been enjoying building our muscles up in preparation to write by doing lots of brushing and mopping outside, making big circles using dance, flipper flappers and writing big circles, and by playing lots of phonics listening games.
In Maths we have been ;learning and deepening our understanding of counting to 4. we have been finding 4 objects, matching the number of objects to diufferent numbers and even practising writing the numerals 0-4 using songs to help with formation.
We have been learning about harvest time and what harvesting means. We have enjoyed feeling, smelling and learning about a range of fruit and vegetables which we have painted in prepartion for our Harvest Service. We have also learnt about the machinery used- especially the combine harvester.
And of course we have enjoyed lots of free choice time and playing with our friends.