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This week we learnt about doubles in maths. The children were all brilliant at showing doubles using their fingers and using counters on 10 frames. We played double twins, when they had to show their partners number making a double in the process. We worked on doubles to 5 and even doubles to 10!

We used our text of the week 'The Pirates Next Door ' to help us think about how to be kind to  people and how to show caring behaviour. We also used it to shape our writing. One little girl hotseated being Jack Lad, the main character and came up with the most amazing answers to all the questions the children asked. Everyone was brilliant. We used her answers in our writing and the children wrote brilliant sentences; including all of the sounds in each word when spelling. We also concentrated on using finger spaces, capital letters to start the sentence and full stops at the end. 

In our Understanding of the World lessons we looked at sand and it's properties. The children led their learning brilliantly and we ended up looking at where sand comes from, the different types of sand we find around the world and why they are different colours. They demonstrated their understanding by making islands with sand on and included volcanoes, rocks and rivers   using lego and art materials.  

Well done Little Conkers you amazed me and made me very proud, as always.