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This week the children have done lots of amazing learning in all areas of the curriculum. 

They have begun to learn Phase 2 phonics, learning s,a,t and p. They have learnt ti recognise the letter shape, say the sound and name and write the lower case and capital letters. Well done Little Conkers. 

They have loved starting their phonics lessons with Dough Disco to warm their writing fingers up.

In Maths we have been learning 2D shapes. We have learnt to name a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon and semi circle. We have been finding the shapes in the classroom and outside and using the shapes to make some amazing pictures. Some children have even been saying what the shape properties and and used their skills to do lots of shape sorting. 

In Topic we have learnt about all the seasons of the year and how to recognise them.  We have also learnt about Bonfire Night and The Gunpowder Plot. 

Well done Little Conkers on an amazing first week back.