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Photos are from this week and last week. 

Last week our focus text was Stickman and it shaped lots of our learning, activities and fun.  

we spent lots of time outside working in groups to make things out of sticks. We all demonstrated all of the prime areas of learning: Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Developmen when  communicating and listening to each other, by working together to build fairy homes, bases and pirate ships and then by listening to each other when they  presented their work and how they had made it.   We  had so much fun learning and playing with sticks and in the outdoors. 

We worked in phonics on the alternative ways to make the ee sound and learnt that y, ey, e-e, ea and ie can make it.

This week we have started to use The Scarecrow's Wedding text to shape our learning. We have planned a wedding for the scarecrow's and written our own plans. We have started making the church and decorations and thought about the other things we will need. 

In amongst that we have continued with our Phonics and learnt alternative ways to make the igh sound. We have learnt to use i, y and ie.  In Maths we have been writing numbers and doing addition and subtractions.  

Next week we are continuing preparing for our Scarecrow's Wedding which will be on Thursday afternoon. If the children would like to bring in party clothes to wear, please pop them in a bag so they can change into them in the afternoon. 

Please let me know of any allergies that I need to be aware of.